Theft Lawyer in Houston, TX
When you are facing criminal charges for petty theft, concealing stolen property, or grand larceny, then you must have an experienced Houston theft attorney who will advocate for you throughout your time in the criminal justice system and will try to help you avoid a theft conviction.
Being the subject of theft allegations can be a difficult situation to navigate, as you could be facing legal penalties such as fines, jail time, and a potential criminal record. Theft offenses can be especially challenging for an attorney who is inexperienced or does not have extensive knowledge of Texas law. Thankfully, Houston has a qualified criminal defense attorney at Napier Law Firm who will work with you on a personal level to represent you and protect your rights in the courtroom.
Whether you have prior theft convictions or this is your first time being accused of a theft crime, George Napier of Napier Law Firm will work one-on-one with you to ensure that your defense is tailored to your needs.
Meet the team at Napier Law firm to learn how your theft lawyer will use their experience to benefit you. Do not hesitate to contact Napier Law Firm when you are charged with a theft offense.
Theft Charges and Their Potential Consequences
A theft charge can seriously impact your life, including your ability to secure consistent employment. A theft charge can vary depending on the value of the property that was stolen, as property valued over $2,500 will increase your misdemeanor theft charge to a felony.
Other factors that can contribute to a misdemeanor charge are if the stolen property was a driver’s license, personal identification certificate, or commercial driver’s license, which is a Class B misdemeanor.
Theft charges involving bodily harm can also result in increased or additional charges, as can cases involving credit card fraud or organized retail theft. These types of charges can result in time spent in a county jail, fines, or possibly even prison time. This is why when you are accused of committing theft, you should choose a law firm with a highly rated Houston theft lawyer.
The Role of a Theft Attorney in Houston, TX
A theft defense attorney in Houston, TX is responsible for working with clients to address the needs of their case so that they are provided with the best possible representation for their situation. The team at Napier Law Firm takes a personal interest in your case to make sure you receive the best possible representation in your case.
Theft Offenses Handled by Napier Law Firm
Napier Law Firm represents clients in Harris County, Montgomery County, Chambers County, and other counties that are near Houston.
George Napier of Napier Law Firm is knowledgeable about what kinds of aggravating factors might affect his clients’ cases by using his experience in the legal field. The different types of offenses range from misdemeanor and petty theft cases all the way to state jail felony cases and cases involving the federal government.
To learn more about the kinds of defense services offered by Napier Law Firm, you can visit our Houston practice areas.
Experience of the Attorneys at Napier Law Firm
George Napier is a current Texas theft attorney and former prosecutor for the District Attorney’s Office in Montgomery County. This gives George Napier a strong understanding of the Texas penal code and sets Napier Law Firm apart from other Houston theft lawyers. George Napier has experience on both sides of the courtroom, which provides him with knowledge of the techniques commonly used by prosecutors.
The Importance of Prompt Legal Action When Accused of a Theft Crime
When you are accused of theft, it is important that you contact a lawyer as soon as possible. Law enforcement will most likely question you about your potential involvement in the crime in question, and anything you say can be used against you when your case goes to court.
Due to this, it is crucial that you have a strong defense attorney on your side throughout the questioning process to avoid any potential flaws in your testimony.
Legal Rights and Options for Individuals Facing Theft Charges
Every citizen of the United States has the right to speak to an attorney before questioning and have an attorney present during any questioning by law enforcement.
These rights extend to individuals who are facing theft charges, whether those charges are misdemeanors or felonies. When you are arrested on suspicion of theft, you need to exercise your right to speak to an attorney and have one present during your questioning so that you do not accidentally incriminate yourself due to unfamiliarity with the legal process.
Make sure that your attorney is one that you can trust. George Napier will represent you throughout questioning and through the entire legal process should your case end up going to trial. Place your trust in a lawyer who cares about you and your rights.
The Process of Resolving Theft Cases and Potential Outcomes
Depending on the circumstances of your case, you may be required to go to trial. If it is possible to prove your innocence, then you may be able to be set free after your questioning is complete. However, some cases are a little more challenging to prove your innocence and may require that you go to trial to prove that you are innocent of the charges against you.
Common Misconceptions About Theft Charges
Theft charges are sometimes misunderstood. There are many different kinds of theft charges that an individual can face, including misdemeanors, felonies, credit card fraud, fraud involving a nonprofit organization, writing a check without sufficient funds, and various other types of charges. Not every theft case is the same, and each one requires a unique approach that addresses the individual needs of the client.
Client Testimonials and Success Stories in Avoiding Theft Conviction
Napier Law Firm is proud to say that we have a history of satisfied clients who have avoided conviction due to our representation. An example of this success is the numerous five-star reviews left by our clients after we have represented them. If you need proof of our track record of success, look no further than what our previous clients have to say about us.
To learn more about our consultation process and to get in touch with us at Napier Law Firm, you can visit our website to inquire about a free consultation.
Confidentiality and Professionalism of Top Houston Theft Lawyers
At Napier Law Firm, we believe that your case should be treated with the utmost professionalism and should be entirely confidential throughout the entire process. We work with you on a personal level to make sure that you understand your rights and the defense we are building for you. This type of one-on-one interaction helps to solidify your defense so that you have a much better chance of avoiding conviction.
Frequently Asked Questions Before You Hire A Theft Lawyer in Houston
What is Misdemeanor Theft in Texas?
In the state of Texas, theft crimes count as misdemeanor offenses when the stolen property ranges in value from less than $100 to $2,500. A value of less than $100 counts as a Class C misdemeanor, while a case involving a higher dollar amount can be a more serious offense, such as a Class A or Class B Misdemeanor.
If you are the defendant in a theft case, especially if you are facing a Class C misdemeanor theft charge, then you need an experienced criminal lawyer who is well-versed in criminal law and can provide you with quality legal representation.
What is Grand Theft?
A typical theft charge becomes a grand theft charge when the property stolen exceeds a value of $500. While theft charges that are considered grand theft can still count as a misdemeanor theft offense, many grand theft cases can be upgraded to felony theft.
Any stolen property with a value exceeding $2,500 can result in being charged with a third-degree felony, a second-degree felony, or a first-degree felony that can potentially result in jail time or enhanced penalties such as life imprisonment.
Contact the Top Theft Lawyers in Houston, TX Today for Your Theft Case
Any individual accused of committing theft deserves to be represented by a qualified Houston theft attorney from a law office that is dedicated to treating each client with the respect they deserve.
With an experienced criminal defense lawyer on their side, an alleged offender has a much higher chance to get their sentence reduced or their case dismissed. Even if the client has prior convictions, a criminal defense attorney representing them in the Houston court system vastly increases their odds of a favorable outcome.
If you find yourself accused of taking a person’s property without their consent, then you need an experienced lawyer from Napier Law Firm in your corner.
George Napier is a qualified theft attorney who will represent you in court and help prove your innocence when you stand accused of stealing someone else’s property. Place your trust in Napier Law Firm to handle your case with the utmost professionalism and care.
You should not hesitate when you are facing theft charges. Instead, you should go online and fill out our easy consultation form to receive a free consultation on your case and see what Napier Law Firm can do for you. Do not wait, contact our law firm today.